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Ham Sok Hon

와단 2010. 12. 27. 15:23

Speech Review

December 8th, 2010

'Ham Sok-Hon(1901-1989): A Maverick Thinker and Pacifist'

Dr. Sung Soo Kim

•PhD in History
•Author of A Biogrpahy: Ham Sok Hon
•Previously worked for Truth and Reconciliation Commission, ROK
•Currently journalist for Ohmy News

Ham was a prominent personage in Korean Protestantism, a courageous advocate of peace and a valiant fighter for democracy and the rights of the people. Born in North Korea, Ham experienced oppressive regimes under Japanese colonialism, under the Soviet military that occupied North Korea after liberation from Japan and, after fleeing to the South in 1947, again in South Korea under the autocratic regime of that time and later under the military dictatorships. Ham was originally a teacher by profession, but is known as a maverick thinker, a voice of the people and a prolific writer who spoke up on behalf of the oppressed people through his books, articles, lectures and participation in nonviolent protests despite attempts by the authorities to suppress him.
A strong advocate for freedom from all types of repression, Ham always emphasized nonviolent means. His commitment to nonviolence has earned him the name of the 'Conscience of Korea' and 'Korean Gandhi'. Ham had his share of glory and tribulations; a pacifist who admired Gandhi, he was nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and 1985, and as an outspoken activist he was incarcerated 9 times in total by the regimes he criticized. In this respect, Ham was an important Asian voice for human rights and nonviolence during the 20th century, despite numerous imprisonments for his beliefs. He was formally a Quaker, which is a nonsectarian Christian group, but he also concluded that all religions are one, atypical of most Christian thinkers. In 2000, Ham was selected by the Republic of Korea as a national cultural figure.

2010-12-16 14:00:58