
"At another place they [earlier Quakers], with an ancient justice, said that if they had money enough they would hire me [to be their minist

와단 2012. 1. 15. 21:52

"At another place they [earlier Quakers], with an ancient justice, said that if they had money enough they would hire me [to be their minister]. So I [George Fox] said then it was time for me to go away, for then they would not come to their own teacher, for that (viz. hiring) did and had spoiled them and many for not improving their own talents, for we brought every one to their own teacher."[1]


The above statement by Fox corresponds with Ham's unconstrained and anarchistic disinclination to accept the human system and his exertion to cultivate his own inner faith. As he put it: "I revolt against all systems, secular as well as holy."[2]  Interestingly enough, despite the enormous gaps of time and space, Lao-tzu takes a similar view to Fox: "When the work is done it is time to withdraw: this is the Tao of Heaven."[3]


[1]. Nickalls, John, editor. The Journal of George Fox, p.624.

[2]. Ham, Sokhon. "The Challenge of Korea". Philadelphia: Pendle Hill, December 10, 1962, p.1. Unpublished Paper.

[3]. Tao-te Ching Chapter 9.