Cutting the Strings: Why I am leaving the TRCK
Cutting the Strings: Why I am leaving the TRCK
In the Warring States Period of China, there were two close friends, Yo Boya and Zhong Ziqi. When Yu Boya played the zither to express his feelings for the great mountains, Zhong Ziqi reacted, “Well done! It’s as tall and as magnificent as the great
For every piece of music Boya played, Zhong Ziqi could tell what Boya was depicting. Yu Boya was amazed. Great minds think alike: Boya was a great musician while Zhong Ziqi was a remarkable listener; Boya was an outstanding creator while Zhong Ziqi was an excellent critic. But one day, Ziqi passed away due to illness. Boya was so crushed and felt that no one else in this world would deserve to hear him play his music. So, he cut his zither’s strings and smashed it, and never played music again.
Now it is my turn to cut the strings and smash my zither: I am leaving from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission at the end of this month. I am an admirer of Ham Sok-hon (Fought Against Injustice, Corruption). How can I serve a man (new president of TRCK) who is an admirer of Genghis Khan and Dictator Park Chung-hee! The water and oil cannot mingle.
Khiem and Kim Sung-soo: Crime, Concealment and South Korea
백아절현(伯牙絶絃) : 저는 진실위를 떠납니다
중국 춘추시대, 거문고의 명수로 이름높은 백아(伯牙)라는 이가 있었다.
백아가 거문고를 켤때 그 연주소리를 누구보다 잘 감상해 주고 이해해 주는 친구로 종자기(鐘子期)가 있었다.
백아가 거문고를 타며 높은 산과 큰 강의 분위기를 표현 하려고 시도하면 옆에서 귀를 기울이고 있던 종자기의 입에서는 탄성이 연발했다.
"아, 멋지다. 하늘높이 우뚝솟는 그 느낌은 마치태산(泰山) 같다!"
"응, 훌륭해. 넘칠듯이 흘러가는 그 느낌은 마치 황하(黃河) 같다!"
백아와 종자기는 바늘과 실처럼 그토록 마음이 잘 통하는 연주자였고 청취자였으며 창작자였고 비평자였다. 그러던 어느날 불행히도 종자기는 병사하고 말았다. 그러자 백아는 절망과 실의에 빠진 나머지 거문고 줄을 끊고 다시는 연주하지 않았다.
지금은 제 거문고의 줄을 끊을 시간이 다가왔습니다. 전 이달 말까지만 진실위원회에 근무하고 사직합니다. 함석헌을 추구하는 사람이 징기스칸을 추구하고